Synthetic Marijuana, which is also known as "legal bud," is a combination of different ingredients (herbal incense, herbs, sprays, and other synthetic chemicals), is just as dangerous to the body as marijuana, and other illegal street drugs. Because of the fact that the synthetic marijuana is just as addictive, especially with younger users who tend to be the main users, you will learn that it is going to have the same harmful effects on the body as other drugs and addictions are going to have on the body, especially if you become a long term user of the drug.
In addition to being detected in urine and blood tests, some of the harmful effects of synthetic marijuana include: altered mood and ability to properly think, unknown chemical effects on the body, possibility for memory loss and problems with memory retention, and other adverse affects which are not yet known on the body, since these chemicals have never been abused as they are today, because of the use of synthetic marijuana (and other similar products like bath salts). Since most of the users are younger, parents have to look for the changes, and have to know how to spot them quickly, so they can help prevent further use and abuse by their young teen kids; the sooner you do step in and say something, the easier it will be to help them quit, and to get them to agree to go in for some kind of treatment in a facility.
Treatment for synthetic marijuana is going to be the same as with other drug users. From going through the withdrawal because you are no longer using, to having to deal with the tough symptoms, and having the difficulties in making it through the day without the use of the drug. But, when you go to a rehab facility for help, you will have trained professionals, people you can talk to, and others who are going through the same things, and are going to be a support system for you when you are trying to quit, and get away from the harmful effects that the synthetic marijuana has had on your body. It is possible to get help, and there are people who can help you, but you must admit to having a problem, and you have to be willing to go in to these facilities to work with the people who are going to be able to help you fight the addiction you are dealing with.
It does not matter how bad the synthetic marijuana abuse or addiction has gotten, it is possible to fight it, and lead a normal life without this substance. Just because it is not illegal yet, does not mean it is not harmful, especially to the younger users. Knowing the dangers, and admitting that you have a problem is the first thing you have to do when you want to get the help and the best treatment, if you want to fight your synthetic marijuana abuse problem.