As with any other addiction and drug use, there are many dangers of marijuana use you have to be aware of. But, the most dangerous of these is the fact that the drug is so addicting, and so easy to get a hold of, that you are more than likely going to become a habitual user if you start to use it. So, the best defense to fighting the addiction, and to ensure you do not get caught up with the addiction and the many dangers of marijuana use, is to avoid using the drug, or any other addictive substances, in the first place. For those who did not avoid it, you have to get help as soon as possible, if you want to get past the addiction; since the drug is so easy to get hold of, if you truly want to be removed from the temptation, you are going to have to go in to an inpatient rehab facility, where you have no access to the drug, or to any other substances that might get you to become addicted to the use.
In addition to addiction, some of the dangers of marijuana use include: health related issues, heart complications, heavy breathing, loss of memory, and the lead in to the addiction and use of other drugs; as it is known as a gateway drug, marijuana is going to get you started on the wrong path, and once you get started, you may find that you are also going to start using other drugs. For this reason, when you do start to use drugs, instead of trying to treat it on your own, you have to consider going in to an inpatient rehab facility, to ensure you have the help you need, and are removed from the bad influences around you, so that you can completely avoid the use. With so many people that are going to try to make you use the drug, the only way to truly stop the use and avoid the addictive nature, is to go in to a professional facility, and get the much needed help from the trained professionals that work in these inpatient facilities.
Regardless of how bad the addiction is, if you use these drugs, you have to be aware of the many dangers of marijuana use that come along with the use and the abuse of these drugs, especially the ones that are so easy to get a hold of. So, if you find that you are dealing with abuse issues, or the possibility of becoming addicted, you have to ask for help, and you have to know where to turn to, in order to get the proper treatment, and get you away from the people that are leading you down the wrong path. The sooner you can admit you have a problem, and the sooner you choose to ask for the help you need, the easier it will be for you to stop using the drugs, and avoid further dangers of marijuana use.